Saturday, August 18, 2012


Well, I finished my first whole week with the kiddos!  It was certainly an adventure to say the least.  I wanted to update the blog everyday, but between the early mornings and going to bed after I got home due to exhaustion, that didn't happen.  I'm here now though to update you on everything that's happened. So here it is,

Monday:  To start the year off with some excitement, the air conditioning in my building went out.  So we were thrown into the kindergarten rooms for the first half of the day.  Needless to say, that completely messed up my plans.  Because along with the no air situation, we decided not to switch like we would normally (we departmentalize so I start the day with block 1 and then half way through the day we switch and I get another class).  So instead of being able to go with the plans I had, I had to come up with things for my homeroom to do ALL DAY LONG. Right before lunch we were told we could go back to our rooms because the air had come back on....not that we would have noticed because my room stayed at 82 degrees. Ahhhhh!!!  Long story short: I got them in, got them fed, and got them home!

Tuesday: With the air still at 80 degrees in my room, we started off sharing the kids "All About Me" posters that I had given for homework.  Then we did a few more getting to know you activities and started getting organized.

Wednesday: This was our short day so we practiced our fire drill procedures and did a first day of school reflection picture activity (they had to draw a picture of what they experienced for each of their five senses). We also played a four corners game for what things were appropriate to bring and wear to school.
*This day was particularly hard for me after school.  It was my first boohoo day.  After school I called my mom and just started bawling my eyes out.  I was feeling very overwhelmed and out of my element.  I feel like I should know so much more than I do after 6 years of school.  Plus, I've never really had experience teaching reading/language arts so I'm not familiar with the curriculum at all.  So all in all, I was feeling very inadequate and overwhelmed.  But everyone I spoke to that day (mom, husband, mom2, brother's friend) said the same thing to me.  They said I can't expect to know it all my first year and I'm feeling overwhelmed because I have to do everything from scratch.  But I have a great support team at school and out of school, so I'm very lucky.  Unfortunately, I was told that it won't be the last time I have a night like this. :(

Thursday:  We did our daily vocabulary, and then went on to write sentences explaining the first day of school pictures they had drawn the day before.  We also set up our reading journals and created their text code post it notes (they have certain symbols they use to text code when they read).

Friday: It's finally here...woohoo!!! After everything from the week and feeling off track, I was definitely ready for Friday.  We did our daily vocabulary, a library tour in the media center, a reading activity in their reading journals, and we did a flip book for grammar symbols that we are going to use throughout the year.

I have plenty of things to do over the weekend (probably won't get all of them done) so the last thing I leave you with are some pictures of how the room has come along since pre-planning.  Thanks for following me!  :)

This is me and the hubby, celebrating at dinner after both of our first weeks of new, grown up jobs :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Real Day In My Room :)

Monday was my first full day in my classroom!  It felt good to get a start with getting my room together, even though I feel like all I did was move things from 20 different spots just to move them back LOL.  My fellow teachers keep telling me that's how it'll be for a while.

Today was FULL of meetings.  First thing in the morning we had a faculty meeting that lasted until lunch, and then after lunch we had a grade level meeting that lasted until the end of the day!  Needless to say, I was beat.  Plus I got no time to spend in my room (serious sad face), but hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll get some time to really get set.

Seeing as I'm really exhausted (I have to get used to this whole getting up early thing hehe), I'm going to leave you with some pictures of my classroom so far.  Please keep in mind that this is just a start and I will load more pictures as I make more progress.

**Special thanks to my husband and little brother for coming to help me for a little while in the afternoon :)**

General Classroom Layout Pictures

 Below is my brother building a wire rack which he had a few fights with before figuring it out...

 And my wonderful husband putting legs on my bookcase so it would be steady over the two different floors...

 Here's myself doing inventory of my books for my library...

 They were so helpful!!!!

Social Studies board....

 Reading board....

 Reading center/ book recommendation bulletin board....

 Showing my UCF spirit...always know I have a KNIGHT in my corner :)

 Parts of speech super hero poster generously given to me by another teacher...I'm going to put them straight up and down instead of angled...

 As you enter my classroom...I'm going to do something else on the door (will post pics when I finish it).

 Yay for keys and an official name tag!!!  They put Ms. instead of Mrs. by accident, but I'm ordering a new one :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Start of My Journey!

This whole "blogging" world is brand new to me, so please forgive me for any hiccups along the way because I'm learning as I go...hence the title of my blog: Live, Laugh, Learn!  I think it's important to laugh throughout life and learn from everything we do, and everyone we meet.  Tomorrow officially starts pre-planning for my FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING!!!  I am so excited and also really nervous, but I have been told that those feelings are completely normal (I sure hope so).  I will be taking a lot of pictures of my classroom tomorrow to share the layout and then hopefully as it gets really decorated throughout the week, I can post some more.

That's all for now (I like to keep things short and simple) but I'll be back tomorrow with pictures :)